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SMART (Specific Methodologies and Resources for Radio Trainers)

Activities and goals:

SMART offers the opportunity to create radio training for community radio. For this purpose, SMART collected training units for all relevant sectors of work in community radio. These training units are further geared to the specific needs of special target groups of the training. So these training units can also be used for radio training with vision-impaired people, people with learning difficulties, and migrant women. SMART is focusing on specific training situations and the distinct training framework that exists already within community media.

What is the task of the training, how many participants, what’s the timeframe, where does the training take place, and what is the technical equipment? These are questions that need to be considered and decided on at the start of the planning for each workshop. Trainers also have access to the exercises that are offered by SMART. The search engine allows the trainer to search for those particular needs in order to find suitable training modules and options. The units were collected, tested, and adapted by international well experienced radio trainers.



The timeframe of the project is October 2013 – September 2020


AMARC Europe (BE)


klipp+klang radio school(CH)

Radio Corax(DE),

Antxeta Irratia(Basque -EUS) 

Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE) (BE), NearFM (Dublin/IRL), COMMIT (Vienna/AT).



©2024 by Community Media Forum Europe.

Official Address:

Rue de la Colonne 1A, 1080

Bruxelles, Belgium


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