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New Neighbours

New Neighbours aims to mobilize media and civil society actors to foster greater intercultural understanding between migrants and host communities in Europe. The project is co-financed by the European Commission and coordinated by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU).


New Neighbours highlights the positive social and economic contributions made by migrants and refugees throughout communities across Europe. By promoting direct participation in media production, it is hoped to foster greater intercultural understanding between migrants and local societies in EU member states.

The project is co-financed by the European Commission and coordinated by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU).


New Neighbours works with:

  • Public service media 

  • Community media

  • Civil society organisations

to challenge stereotypes and expose commonly held myths, placing migrant voices at the heart of discussions on migration and delivering innovative messaging to help promote the integration of migrants into local communities.


New Neighbours raises awareness through the use of:

  1. Documentaries produced by public service media

  2. Social media-based campaigns

  3. Community media productions

  4. Country reports and interviews on Media and Migration


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The timeframe of the project is January 2019 to March 2021.

Project partners of EBU are: CMFE - Community Media Forum Europe, MDI - Media Diversity Institute, COSPE - Cooperation for the development of emerging countries and COMMIT - Community Media Institute for training, research and consulting.


Further information can be found here:

Hashtag: #newneighbours

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Official Address:

Rue de la Colonne 1A, 1080

Bruxelles, Belgium


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