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Being a member of the CMFE, you:

  • are a member of a network of people living in Europe who are active in community media policy-making, production, and development, training, and thinking, whom you can work with and ask advice from;

  • will be invited to our European events;

  • Receive our newsletter, presenting, discussing, and advancing CM development and thinking;

  • Have an opportunity to be invited to take part in various European projects, such as Erasmus +, Creative Europe, etc.

  • Help advance the causes, because, the more members CMFE has, the easier it is for CMFE to assert the importance of Community Media in our lobby and policy work at the European level.


Express your interest

Let us know a little about you or your organization and why you want to join CMFE indicating the type of membership.

Decision of the Board

The board of directors decides with a simple majority.


Acceptance of Application

A decision is forwarded to the applicant, by mail within 15 days of the decision. 


Pay annual membership contributions

Receive membership package/kit.


You’re a member!

Enjoy getting involved as a CMFE member. Join a committee. Organize an event. Participate and contribute

Membership Category:

National organizational membership: legal bodies such as National Community Media Organisations/Federations/Networks.

Organizational membership: legal bodies such as Community Radio Stations, Community TV Stations, Community cross-media and web-based projects, NGOs promoting the cause of community media, Research Institution that include community media research, and community media lobbying groups.

Individual membership: all individuals active in community media practice, research, teaching, and training in Europe, as well as individuals living outside Europe who are researching community media in Europe.

Affiliate members

CMFE may confer the status of affiliate members to individuals and organizations whose aims are connected with those of CMFE.
As for `Article 6: Voting rights – rights of members` of our Statutes

Each member [either individual or organizational] has the right to vote at the meetings of the general assembly.
Affiliate members are not entitled to vote at the meetings of the general assembly.

To become a member, candidates must make a written request to the board of directors.

The board of directors must accept their application.

The submission of an application implies a total commitment to observance of these statutes and the internal organisational regulations. In the event of refusal, the board of directors will not have to justify itself.

The board of directors decides with a simple majority.

A decision is forwarded to the applicant, by ordinary mail or fax within 15 days of the decision. Any refusal of an application can be the subject of a new request.


Privacy Policy

Members’ information

Your name, address, contact details, and payment information is handled by the authorized personnel only and is not shared with third parties. Payments made via Paypal (and information given to them) are subject to the company’s terms and conditions.

Annual Membership Fees

  • Individual Membership                           25€ 

  • Organizational Membership​                 100€

  • National Organisational Membership 150€

  • Affiliate Organisational Membership   100€

  • Affiliate Individual Membership              25€


Payment of memberships fees
Payment of membership fees, and donations, can be done via bank transfer (details in your form) or via Paypal.

Members can, after receiving the form for the annual membership fee, request, within four weeks and with adequate motivation, a lower fee.

The Board will decide on this request.

On the membership fee form, this possibility will explicitly be mentioned.


To get in contact with those responsible for membership inquiries, please write to:

Apply Here
Membership Type (please select among the following application categories/Fees

Thanks for applying!
We’ll get back to you soon.


©2024 by Community Media Forum Europe.

Official Address:

Rue de la Colonne 1A, 1080

Bruxelles, Belgium


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